Saturday, February 14, 2015

ED521 A22

#ndedchat Session

I followed the #ndedchat session that was held on Wednesday, February 4th.  It was an assignment that I needed to complete for  ED521 Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning.  What an experience!  It lasted one hour with a constant movement of questions and answers.  It is organized in a very user friendly format with questions and answers following a number system. Getting tips before the actual session  from our instructor, Craig, made it more meaningful.  I found it overwhelming, because of the rapid pace.  There were many experts sharing so much useful information in such a short amount of time.  Many ideas were shared that would be useful to classroom teachers throughout our state.  Some of the information was written in acronyms.  Some of the acronyms I understood and some I didn't have a clue.  Two take aways from this experience was the app Dragon that was mentioned.  This app helps struggling writers with their writing skills.   The second take away was the SAMR Model Thinglink.  I retweeted this model.  It is a great visual image of Class Task, Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.  If you have never experienced a #ndedchat session, I would recommend it! 

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